Programs that fizzled, still alive, and some that disappeared (Pt1)

Programs come and go on the internet, so you get in while it is good and take your bounty before it dries up. I have been in all types of programs and I can tell you never spend more than you can afford to lose. It may seem like it is a good program and it looks all pretty on the outside. Beware, do your due diligence and follow your gut feeling.

I am in a few long-term programs (which means they are still online after 2+ years); a program is only as good as its members; however, the owners of the programs can be con artists or scammers; I will mention a few also down the line.

When you join a program, you must understand that some will end in 6 months and some will last over 5 + years, earn your money, withdraw it, and keep moving. Stay in the programs that are working for you, and make sure to take all of your seed money out once that you can.

Working and Paying Programs as of 12/16/2023:

1SimpleCycler is moving along just fine. it has the main matrix, 5x matrix, and my FAVORITE the ENDLESS FEEDER.

You can purchase a single endless feeder position for 5 cents . This is really moving all of the lines. Join by clicking the banner.

The sister site is just as good, so I would join both and sit back and enjoy the ride,

Two programs that have been online for over 3+ years and both owned by 1 person and I am in both and still moving, not fast but we are still moving and the owner is still working the programs.

I have made money and been paid and still making money with both of the programs.

This is all for part 1, Prt 2 will be on powerlines and the pros and cons of joining the programs that promises powerlines will grow and make you money so to speak. Please remember the programs that I have mentioned and that I will be mentioning work for some and for some they do not work.

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