Supporting Each Other

This is food for thought

We all say we support each other, however what does that mean?

Support comes in many ways, here are just a few:

  1. Moral Support
  2. Emotional Support
  3. Financial Support
  4. Business Support

Let’s look at each one and the ways we can help and support each other.

Moral Support is more  psychological rather than physical, meaning you are there to listen and be there without really interfering. Be the ear for that friend and let them express themselves to you without you judging how they are feeling or what they are saying.

Emotional Support

Listening and not offering advice is a BIG FACTOR when you are being there for a friend or co-worker, once again do not judge how they feel or even if you do not agree, offer that hug and smile.

Ask them How you can support them? If they are OK?

Sometimes just a hug and letting them know you care goes a long way.

Financial Support

This type of support at times has destroyed many of relationships due to the fact the person offering the financial support believes they are owed something in return. If that is the case a written document signed by both parties should be completed so there are no misunderstandings down the line.

If a person offers you financial support think and ask questions about what is expected of you and if the financial support is expected to be paid back or is it a gift free from all strings.

Business Support

Many of our friends have side hustles or have children that have fundraisers for sports and schools, do you support them? Is it one sided meaning you always ask them to purchase stuff or help your child and yet you never support their business or child?

Business support is more than buying from the person that you know. It could mean just share their business link on your social media every now and then, send people that you know to their website and yes purchase something from them.

I can tell you on a personal level it gets really tiresome supporting your friends businesses and children’s fundraisers but yet those same people can’t do the same for you.

You will get to the point that you stop supporting them and that is a shame for them.

This is why it is IMPORTANT to SUPPORT each other and help each other grow, word of mouth is the best form of advertising and it costs NOTHING.

Yes, at times we do not have extra money to spend with our friends, so help them advertise. simple very simple.

We all say we are supporting each other in some sort of way, WAKE UP and really start supporting the ones that have had your back for years. Yes, it does become personal after a while and doors get closed, people get tired of being used by so called supportive friends and family.

At the end of the day what type of friend are you or what type of family member are you and are you treating your friends and family the way that y want t be treated?

It does take a Village to keep the Village moving.

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