When They Talk a Good Game

We are all trying keep our heads above water nowadays, however beware of the people who talk a good game and get you to join their program and say they will be right there with you. that is at times a big joke.

If you keep joining programs that the person is also in, guess who is making the money? NOT YOU! Make sure you are doing your due diligence and researching what others are doing with the same program.

I am still waiting on my funds to be returned from two programs from the same person and still nothing has been returned, but they are still out here promoting and getting people into new things daily, it is the shiny ball syndrome I believe, cause the only one making money is that one person and when you question it, they get upset. I know I will never see my money returned and I could go to the FTC AND AG but that would take a few years.

When you keep joining with a person and you are not making anything from it and they keep asking you to join new programs, STOP! walk away and think about it, monthly subscriptions add up if you are not making anything monthly.

Never take from your retirement funds as they ask you to, I made that mistake 1 time and giess what I am still waiting for my funds to be returned from this person who said they were returning everyone’s funds, that was almost a year ago… when you ask they say that is not the way it works??? this is why it is good to keep everything in writing (which I do have screenshots) so yes I could take it further and file with the agencies named above but is it worth it?

Keep Checking back an I will be listing programs that work.. not cost you an arm and a leg and it is ll based on you in order to earn,

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