Itsonly5 and Education

You all have seen me post about and all of the benefits that you receive for joining and paying a one time 5.00 and 1.00 processing fee.

We are going to discuss EDUCATION in this post. has thousands of free certificate college courses that you can take online at your convenience, I have taken 3 courses already and am on my 4th course as we speak. When I was growing up I was always told knowledge is power and power is knowledge. I also learned having street smarts is a big plus to have also, book knowledge is wonderful however it is good to have knowledge of both.

I would really LOVE to have you all join with us and take this journey with us, we have more then educational courses that come with your paid membership.

If you would like to join us please visit then click the JOIN BUTTON and it will take you the joining page.

Education is not cheap and if you had a way to further your education, would you not jump for that chance?

I personally think all women need to join and get their education on…Show your children and family how important education is to you and they will hopefully follow in your footsteps.

We also have a Global Pool where if you can not afford to pay one of our paid members will pay for you. all that we ask if for you to be active and join our zoom calls and share your link..

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