Were You Stationed at Lowry AFB?

We are looking for members who were stationed at Lowry AFB while it was open to join our Facebook group and also come on our live radio show to share your memories about your time at Lowry AFB.

The show is for our group and is hosted by Willie H and Avradio.org. If you would like to listen to a past show you can from this link.

https://www.avradio.org/rewind—podcasts.html scroll down and look for shows that have Lowry in the title.

If you would like to listen to the show live, it is on Each Sunday at 10 am PST. Just go to

https://www.avradio.org/ scroll down a little and you will see a big red PLAY BUTTON click that and you will hear our show, if you hear music playing that is played in between the guests talking.



We Welcome all that were stationed there, worked there or were family members. We have members from all over the WORLD.

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