Nail Love

How many of us love our nails looking beautiful? How many spend one to two hours at a salon to get them that way?

My personal experience with salons, I would book an appt at 10 am and leave from my appt around noon. pay anywhere from 35 to 60 depending what I was having done to my nails. Do not get me wrong I still love going to the salon but now I go about once every 6 or 7 months.

I have found a company that is all made in America and ships to mailing addresses in the USA only. I was so impressed with the way the company donates to Charites I signed up to become a Independent Stylist with in 20 minutes of reading everything on the website.

I love their prices 11.00 to 14.00 is the prices depends on which ones you plan on getting, now get this…..(drum roll please) buy 3 get 1 free!!!

Feel Free to go and look over the website and shop, you can thank me later. I am a Independent Stylist and I love selling Color Street Nail Strips!!!!

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