3 Weeks Into 2021

3 weeks into 2021, what has changed for you and your family? I do not see any changes, youth are still being shot and killed, families are still hungry and children are still being kidnapped.


We need to come together and start policing our neighborhoods and letting outsiders know that we protect ALL CHILDREN in our AREA. We need to speak out and let the officials know this is not OK, day in and day out our youth are being killed.

We Need our BLACK AND BROWN MEN to STAND UP for these children and show these children that the streets are not for them. We NEED OUR MEN TO BE PRESENT, regardless if you are with your children(s) mother or not. PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN.

We NEED our BLACK AND BROWN WOMEN to STOP blaming the father(s) of their children and learn how to work together to protect and keep all our children in our neighborhoods safe. IT DOES TAKE A VILLAGE, let’s take our villages back.

Our children should feel safe to walk outside and to sit on their porches, they should not have to fear that someone will drive by and shoot them. WE must stop this mentality and programming in our children that they are only good to be killed… NO TAKE OUR CHILDREN BACK LET THEM BE CHILDREN.


Review the above website and look at the 9 programs that are helping make a change to their communities. In order to make changes in all of our communities we have to be ready to make sacrifices, which should not be to hard for us since we have made sacrifices all of our life’s.

Let us come together now while our children are breathing and living, DO NOT wait for us to gather for a funeral, that is the problem we wait until a child has to be buried to have voices cry out to be heard, we need our voices heard before a child is to be buried, we need our voices heard daily to prevent a funeral.

Let’s stop with the excuses and start walking the walk, step up and protect our youth, all youth in our villages.

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