Body Shaming IS Never OK

I never understood why we as Women have the need to body shame other women? We should be supportive of/for each other with all of the things that we go through with just being born a female.

I created the Phat Girls Club after I was body shamed at work, I did not know how bad it hurt me until I arrived home and ended up crying myself to sleep. I have a very hard shell and things do not usually get to me.

So, now I plan on bringing everyone joy and happiness to the fullest extent with this blog, we will discuss everything and anything.

I do not want anyone to feel the way that I did. The damage that body shaming can do mentally and physically is very scary. The scars that it leaves without knowing the scars have been left can b very unhealthy for future relationships.

If you would like to contribute an article or ghost one please contact me, there is no pay for this, the pay comes in the format of your name being credited with writing the article..

We need to be able to open the discussion on how and why we do this to each other and what does it benefit us by shaming another Woman?

I shared this video to show you that these young girls came together and they are all different shapes and sizes. It is OK to be different and to look different.

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